Healing Trauma and PTSD

Trauma can take on many forms…

An unexpected death;

An assault;

An abandonment;

An accident;



It can be one standalone event or several events over time. Either way, trauma changes how we see the world. It leaves us feeling anxious, panicked, and hypervigilant. We try to push it away, but it keeps resurfacing, affecting our relationships and well-being.

Trauma affects us all differently…

Do you avoid relationships for fear of getting hurt again?

Do you blame yourself and find your mind trying to figure out ways you could have avoided what happened?

Do you feel like you are always on edge and have to be on the lookout?

Are you too quick to react… or, on the flip side, do you find yourself trying to avoid conflict at all costs?

No matter what you are experiencing, there is nothing wrong with you. Trauma alters everything: it changes how we feel about ourselves, how we think about others, and how we interact with the world.

Too bad you can’t heal by gaslighting yourself.

“It happened so long ago.”

“It shouldn’t bother me anymore.”

“I just need to get over it.”

“Other people have gone through worse.”

“Did it even happen?”

“What is wrong with me?”

The reminders are everywhere…

You try your best to block out the memories, but they intrude on you like an unwelcome visitor when you least expect it.

A smell, a movie scene, catching a glimpse of someone who reminds you of your perpetrator, the lyrics to a song – it seems like anything brings it to the forefront.

And at night, it bombards your sleep and dreams.

You deserve to feel better. Let me help.

I work hard to create a safe, non-judgmental space where you can finally unburden from past traumas.

This is where you can share the parts of your story that feel most important to you. I know that sharing trauma stories can be hard, so I don’t need you to go into any more detail than you feel comfortable with, and we will go at the safest pace for you.

But just talking about these difficult past experiences probably won’t be enough. It may bring temporary relief, but the latest research shows that trauma can actually “live” in your body. So, to heal, your body needs a way to release it.

I frequently use Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a powerful tool for healing trauma. In EMDR, we identify and target the negative thought patterns you have developed because of the trauma and bring awareness to the body sensations and emotions that you felt then and now. Working with both the body and the mind, we can release the painful hold these memories have on you.

Finally, you’ll be able to say, “That happened, and I’m okay.” In fact, many clients finish EMDR and feel empowered by the very experience that once destabilized them!

With EMDR, your wounds don’t just close. They transform your life into one worth living!

You really can leave the past behind…

You don’t need to feel this way anymore. And you don’t have to do it alone.

It is time to get the help you need.

Email me to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if EMDR and trauma therapy are right for you: agarrattcounseling@gmail.com.